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Women Winning Endorses Thirty-One Pro-Choice Women For The Minnesota Legislature in 2022

Today we are proud to endorse thirty-one impressive leaders who will flip the anti-choice Minnesota Senate and establish a pro-choice majority in the Minnesota House.

Today, Women Winning, Minnesota’s largest women’s political organization, announced the endorsement of thirty-one pro-choice women running for the Minnesota Legislature in 2022.

“Women Winning’s mission is at stake in the 2022 Midterm Election: We are fighting for a pro-choice majority in the Minnesota Legislature to protect reproductive rights for generations to come. And we are fighting to grow the diversity of representation in the Minnesota Legislature,” said Emma McBride, Women Winning Political Director. “Today we are proud to endorse thirty-one impressive leaders who will flip the anti-choice Minnesota Senate and establish a pro-choice majority in the Minnesota House. Amidst redistricting, Minnesotans are energized and ready to elect pro-choice women come Election Day to expand pro-choice representation across the state.”

Women Winning is proud to endorse eleven pro-choice women running for Minnesota Senate:

Aleta Borrud, Minnesota Senate District 24
Heather Gustafson, Minnesota Senate District 36
Mary Kunesh, Minnesota Senate District 39*
Dr. Alice Mann, Minnesota Senate District 50
Erin Maye Quade, Minnesota Senate District 56
Nancy McLean, Minnesota Senate District 33
Nicole Mitchell, Minnesota Senate District 47
Zaynab Mohamed, Minnesota Senate District 63
Clare Oumou Verbeten, Minnesota Senate District 66
Lindsey Port, Minnesota Senate District 55*
Kari Rehrauer, Minnesota Senate District 35

Women Winning is proud to endorse twenty pro-choice women running for Minnesota House of Representatives:

Esther Agbaje, Minnesota House District 59B*
Kristin Bahner, Minnesota House District 37B*
Jamie Becker-Finn, Minnesota House District 40B*
Kaela Berg, Minnesota House District 55B*
Lauren Bresnahan, Minnesota House District 45A
Mary Frances Clardy, Minnesota House District 53A
Leigh Finke, Minnesota House District 66A
Jess Hanson, Minnesota House District 55A*
Amanda Hemmingsen-Jaeger, Minnesota House District 47A
Kaohly Her, Minnesota House District 64A*
Athena Hollins, Minnesota House District 66B*
Heather Keeler, Minnesota House District 04A*
Carlie Kotyza-Witthuhn, Minnesota House District 49B*
Liz Lee, Minnesota House District 67A
Tina Liebling, Minnesota House District 24B*
María Isa Pérez-Hedges, Minnesota House District 65B
Kristi Pursell, Minnesota House District 58A
Lucy Rehm, Minnesota House District 48B
Ruth Richardson, Minnesota House District 52B*
Samantha Vang, Minnesota House District 38B*


Women Winning makes endorsements throughout the year, with these thirty-one endorsements being in addition to five previous endorsements of pro-choice women running statewide or for Congress in Minnesota. The organization’s targeted endorsement program centers on competitive districts for pro-choice women candidates with the goal of electing a truly representative government and creating a more equitable Minnesota.

There is not a pro-choice majority in the Minnesota House or Senate and, with increased attacks on abortion rights, there has never been a more important time to elect pro-choice majorities in Minnesota.

Women Winning’s 2022 electoral goals include protecting Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan, U.S. Representative Angie Craig, and Auditor Julie Blaha; flipping the anti-choice Minnesota Senate; and electing a pro-choice majority to the Minnesota House. Women Winning will make additional endorsements in 2022 and will continue organizing to ensure reproductive rights are protected by electing pro-choice women win up and down the ballot in the August 9th Primary and the November 8th General Election.

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Women Winning endorses Emily Koski for Mayor of Minneapolis

Today, Women Winning, Minnesota’s largest women’s political organization, announced the endorsement of pro-choice champion Emily Koski for Mayor of Minneapolis in 2025.