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Run For Office


We train pro-choice women in Minnesota how to run for office — and win!

Our formal training program is designed to make sure women have the tools and tactics to run smart, successful campaigns. From our Getting Started as a Candidate Training to our Advanced Candidate Training Series, Women Winning is with candidates on every step of their political journey. In the two years leading up to the monumental 2020 election, Women Winning provided individual coaching and formal training to 675+ pro-choice women and staff across Minnesota!

Women Winning’s training program is carefully designed to ensure candidates are prepared for each phase of their campaign — from making an impactful campaign announcement to organizing a final Get Out The Vote field plan. Specific training topics can include Campaign Finance and Fundraising; Communications; Team Structure and Data Management; Voter Contact: Field and Organizing; and Constituent Outreach and Voter Education.

To elect our best advocates, we must break down barriers that prevent women — particularly BIPOC women, LGBTQ+ women, and women with disabilities — from engaging in the political process. Women Winning trainings and programming are completely free-of-charge for all pro-choice women in Minnesota.

Ready to Run?

If you are a pro-choice woman running for office or considering the next step on your political journey, we want to support you. Contact us to learn more about upcoming trainings, available resources, and to connect with a member of our political team!
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