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Women Winning

Trailblazers & Changemakers

The latest news, interviews, updates, and resources from our team.

Jess McIntosh

We have a number of women running for President and, while they still face a bigger uphill challenge than the men running, we can see [sexism] and we are more prepared to talk about it. The sunlight helps us. These conversations are uncomfortable, but it’s how we clear the path.

Nelsie Yang

It’s important to be engaged so that we can start to make change together. Change comes from people in the community raising their voices and taking action. Whether its hosting neighborhood gatherings, organizing rallies, or even showing up to City Council meetings, change comes from the people.

Anika Bowie

When it comes to choice, St. Paul is on the right side of history. With a pro-choice woman majority council, we have the car, we have the right people in the driver’s seat, now we can accelerate.

Congresswoman Betty McCollum

With women at the table, bringing diverse perspectives, we have a better, richer, fuller discussion and better outcomes. The impact of having more women in Congress — from Minnesota and from across the country — has been fantastic.

Councilwoman Carly Johnson

Having Women Winning’s endorsement, I felt there was a sense of legitimacy. I wasn’t just someone that was putting their name on the ballot. There was actually support and I wasn’t alone… To have Women Winning acknowledge that my race was important gave me confidence. It was really helpful to know that someone believed in me and thought that I could do it.

Commissioner Toni Carter

The fervor and enthusiasm for women candidates is widespread. There is a growing understanding that women’s voices and the voice of people of color are critical — and we need to sustain that momentum… Together we are creating an incredible movement to boos us not just over the next hill, but even higher.

Mayor Emily Larson

I have many times faced others’ doubts about whether or not I’m tough enough or strong enough. I am underestimated on a fairly regular basis. People will turn to a man in the room, or a man sitting next to me, and speak to him. I know what I’m capable of and I’m comfortable showing it. When I have been challenged on whether I’m tough enough to make a decision, my first reaction is “try me.” I can do my own hard work. I can do my own heavy lifting. I am the steady resilient leader that my community needs…

Rep. Kelly Moller

Have you seen that jarring image – of the group of men sitting around the table with President Trump talking about women’s reproductive rights? There wasn’t a single woman in the room making that decision. We need to have pro-choice women at the table to make decisions about our own bodies.